For most businesses, retaining a loyal customer base is always a challenge. Something more daunting, however, is the process of building one from scratch.

For companies that are neck-deep in startup marketing, therefore, what are the best tips for creating a customer base that’s loyal, relevant, and continuously growing?

Diving into tried-and-tested strategies, our blog this week explores pointers that allow marketers to attract customers that are aligned to their interests and those that are likely to complete conversion, time and time again.

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•Partner with non-competing businesses

One particularly creative way to build an impressive customer base is to partner with non-competing businesses.

For example – Businesses that specialise in pet care could join forces with a local veterinary clinic or dog shelter to promote their products. With this kind of partnership, the company in question can sell their items in these locations in exchange for a commission or similar non-competitive promotion.

What’s great about this tactic is that there are very few limits in terms of who or which organisations businesses can partner with. There’s also no end to what can be done under these types of mutually-beneficial arrangements and are, therefore, great platforms for ingenious list-building strategies.

•Implement a lucrative loyalty scheme

Another way to build and retain a loyal customer base is by making a company policy out of rewarding loyal patrons.

Time and time again, loyalty schemes have proven to be an effective startup marketing strategy – in fact, repeat customers spend around 67% more than new customers. By creating lucrative loyalty programmes, businesses don’t just ensure that existing customers keep coming back for more – they also lure new customers in.

In this regard, there are numerous ways in which companies can structure their loyalty programmes. Whether through a point system, a tiered approach, or a value-based programme, a scheme that benefits customers in a meaningful way must be chosen.

•Engage in greater networking opportunities

Another activity companies shouldn’t overlook in the process of building a customer base is networking.

While this sounds like a worn-out marketing gimmick, networking is absolutely crucial. That being said, it’s important not to waste time attending every business-related event.

In this regard, marketers need to choose functions where there’s bound to be a large pool of leads, ripe for the picking. In these instances, not only is it important to make well-thought-out pitches but also follow up, after a few days.

In this process, If business cards have been exchanged, reaching out to new contacts over phone or email after the event is important to kickstart the conversion process.

•Offer promos, demos, first-looks, and other incentives

Another way to build an impressive client list is to give customers a taste of what’s on offer.

While it may cost businesses to provide free demos, trials, or product giveaways in the short run, these can really pay off over time. This is especially so if what’s being sold is high-quality and meets an existing need in the market.

Remember – the customer comes first

In all this activity, it’s important to remember the mantra, ‘the customer comes first’. In this regard, it’s crucial to show consumers that treating them with care, respect, and transparency is a top priority.

This is pertinent given that 66% of customers switch over to competitors because of poor service from their existing service provider. By making them the forefront of all activity, businesses get an edge over bigger well-established competitors.

This, however, can often take up a considerable amount of time and effort. Maintaining customers whilst reaching out to new ones can prove to be a huge strain on resources, especially for companies that are just starting out. In this regard, automation tools – those that engage customers, respond to their inquiries, maintain, and segment contacts – are crucial for success.

Key takeaways

For businesses intent on building an extensive customer base, the startup marketing tips set out above are tried-and-tested strategies for success.

By tailoring the above efforts into a strategy that caters to the type of customer most suited to each company, marketers can anticipate growing numbers, loyal followings, and increased sales.

Keen on finding out more startup marketing tips for an expansive customer base?

At Hype Insight, we aim to provide you with visionary startup marketing strategies and advice. Contact us today for more information about our services; success awaits!

You can also check out our blog for more tips on how to build your customer base!
